About OdontSchool

A student at the clinic

OdontSchool works with professional, pedagogical and didactic development of training programmes in the fields of odontology, dental care and team-based dentistry.






The Council collaborates with the other degree programmes at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and at the University of Copenhagen in order to develop the programmes, the training provided and the study environments, and to promote quality assurance, evaluation and other relevant topics.

More information about the degree programmes  of OdontSchool are available at these websites regarding the specific study programmes.

The Educational Council strives to profile and market the degree programmes in the fields of odontology and dental care targeting potential applicants, future students, employers and other stakeholders.









OdontSchool as such does not organizes further and continued training, but it supports the further and continued training offered by the Department of Odontology/ School of Dentistry and School of Oral Health Care. You can read more about the opportunities to engage in continuing education.

The Educational Council contributes to the exchange of students with our collaboration partners abroad. You can read more about the opportunities to participate in exchange programmes.








The Education Council wants to be visible and is happy to collaborate with others with whom we share goals. For example, we are in dialogue with the professional organizations that represent the various staff groups within dentistry and dental care.

The Educational Council also supports the opportunities given to students to start a career as a researcher after completing their master's programmes, in some cases even during their studies at the master's degree programme in odontology. Read more about your opportunities to become involved with research here.










The Educational Council strives to be visible and encourages cooperation with others sharing our objectives. For instance, we are continuously in contact with the professional organisations that represent the various groups of professionals in the field of odontology and oral health care.

You can read more about national and international opportunities to engage in collaboration. For collaboration under the more targeted and subject-specific research and development projects, please contact the specialised departments as these are best prepared to engage in such collaborative projects.

The Educational Council cooperates closely with study boards/education committees, school committees, the local study administration, students and teachers. You can read more about the organisational structure at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences on the Faculty's website.